FOSS are a group of parents, carers and members of the community who work together to support the life of Staverton School.
As well as being a great support network, we also have an important role in organising social occasions and fundraising events to buy those special extra items to enhance our children’s primary school experience.

FOSS has supported with a number of recent endeavours, including:
– Arranging the yearbooks, hoodies and party for our Year 6 leavers
– Organising as wet play box for each classroom
– Raising money for the outdoor Forest School area
Alongside larger things like this, FOSS also subsidise the school trips, to enable to cost to be kept down for parents.

FOSS just recently raised money to provide our children with games and activities during wet play. Thank you FOSS!

FOSS is always on the lookout for new recruits!! From people who can only help a little at one event a year, or do some work behind the scenes, to members who are able to help out on a regular basis. All help is very much appreciated!! Meetings are held both during the day and in the evening to accommodate everyone. Members are always welcome at all meetings, but don’t feel that you have to be at every meeting – you can come to as many or as few as you like!

Everyone can keep up to date with our current fundraising activities and events via our Facebook page. Please get in touch if you would like to find out more!

Phone number: 01225782338

Registered charity no.1162978 (FOSSwiltshire)

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Contact Information
Staverton C Of E Primary School
School Lane
BA14 6NZ


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