School Governors
The Governing Body
The Governors of Staverton C of E Primary School work with the Headteacher and the senior leadership team to provide the strategic direction for the school.
Our role is to ensure that the children receive the very best education that we can provide. The best outcome for every child that is in our school is our ultimate goal.
We don’t get involved in the day-to-day operation of the school, but set the criteria by which the school is managed. Governors both support and challenge the Head teacher and senior staff to ensure that the school performs as well as it should and that all pupils have the very best opportunity to learn and develop.
Governor Activity
We meet as a full governing body each term. The Financial oversight committee meets every other term.
In addition to these meetings we monitor the School Development Plan priorities with regular visits to the school.
We also fulfil our statutory obligations to oversee the safeguarding & special needs of all the children, monitor attendance, the Early Years / Foundation stage, Health and Safety and the public funds paid under Pupil & Sports Premiums.
Governors monitor suspensions, complaints and incidents of whistleblowing. We meet as a full governing body each term. In addition to these meetings we provide strong links to subject leaders with regular visits to the school and also fulfil our statutory obligations to oversee the safeguarding of all the children and monitor the Health and Safety and financial position of the school.
Minutes of Governors’ meetings are available on request from the school.
The Governing Body are active and supportive of school life, spending time within the school day to fully understand the running of the school as well as building relationships with the staff and children.
Our Governing Body is made up of 2 parent governors (elected by their peers), 2 Foundation Governors (appointed by the Diocese), 1 Local Authority Governor, 2 Staff Governors and 6 Co-opted Governors (appointed by the Governing Body). It is a voluntary role that is vital in the life of a successful school.
The Governing Body
The Governing Body is made up of a number of different types of governors and the normal term of office is four years. However, after four years, any governor who wishes to remain on the Governing Body can offer to stand for a further term of office and (if no-one else has expressed an interest in the position) be re-elected or reconfirmed in his/her position.
We recognise and appreciate that governors bring different areas of expertise to the Governing Body.
Foundation Governors:
Appointed by the Diocesan Board of Education for the purpose of securing the religious character of the school and to ensure that such religious character is preserved and developed.
Parent Governors:
If you are a parent of a pupil(s) at the school or the primary carer, you can stand for election as one of the Parent Governor positions, (once a Parent Governor post becomes vacant). If more than one parent expresses an interest in filling a vacancy, elections are held in which all parents can vote. Parent Governors do not formally represent parents on the Governing Body but they do act as a link between parents and the Governing Body and try to keep in tune with parents’ views.
Co – opted Governors:
A Co – opted Governor is a person who in the opinion of the governing body, has the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school.
Staff Governor:
A member of staff paid to work at the school and elected by the staff.
LA Governors:
A Governor normally appointed by the local education authority
As a team, we all come from very different backgrounds and are always looking for fresh faces to join us. If it is something that you want to know more about then please contact the school office and one of us will make contact.